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The Torrent Escape – Chapter 4: The Dalton Discovery

Mark Dalton was a very nice guy. He has dyed white hair, black shades and a hoodie. He is also quite slim for a hacker. He has a black beard, blue eyes and he is 36 years old, 12 years older than me. We were old hacking buddies, every Friday, we used to go the the now-defunct Centre for Hacking and go through « Crash Courses » where we would get specialised gear, team up, defeat the bad guys and hack the objective(s).

Our favourite one was the one where we had to climb a building and find the hidden computer on a helicopter parked on top and hack it, all while trying to fend off enemies who are simulations of gang members.

Mark then told me « I used to know Mr. A. His name was Andy, he wore glasses and always had a t-shirt that said « I don’t like hackers ». We met at a video gaming convention where he was promoting his hit game, Downfall. This was a 3rd person shooter which basically mixed World War 2 and Time Travel together with a twist of steampunk. It also got VR (virtual reality) right meaning that you would feel right engrossed in the game.

I ended up playing his game and I won the chance to see the studio with my own eyes. I got to meet all of the crew who made Downfall, including Andy. I found out that the game studio was planning to become The Giants. I found that out while hacking the game to overcome the anti-piracy software and leak it online. They would take over by trying to hypnotise people via the VR into joining their game studio and then brainwashed them so that they would work for them forcefully ».

My jaw dropped as he keeps on telling me about Andy « We used to also hang out, talking about video games and drinking fizzy drinks that he brought in. In the early days of The Giants, I was a member of them but I got kicked out when they started taking over the UK. I also found out that he was quite a geek, using Darth Vader’s plans to destroy the planets to take over the UK. But sometimes, he gets really mad and he kicked me out of The Giants because I made a silly mistake.

Voir aussi :

septembre 27, 2020

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