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The Torrent Escape – Chapter 3: The Package

After a good night’s sleep, I woke up, watched the news and thought about checking the package. But, before I do that, I must get ready for breakfast. I went to my shower and turned it on. A hot rush of water bursts on me like a plot twist in a movie. I grab the shampoo that was provided in my room and start rubbing my head.

After the nice shower, I put on my clothes and went down to breakfast. Turns out, they were doing a buffet of morning food, including bacon, porridge and pancakes. I got some pancakes and on top of that, was bacon.

I went back to my room and thought about the package laying in one of the drawers where the bible would normally be. I open it after hearing many beeps coming from the drawer but then I discover its from « Mr. A ». Its not a hacking device. That guy left me a bomb! It’s got 5 wires and is yellow like a bee.

I ended up jumping out of the building and landing in the swimming pool. Mid-way through the landing, I see the bomb go off and it managed to quickly set fire to the floor I was in. It looked like there was 8 people on the floor and all of them unfortunately died.

During that, my clan; The Iron Brotherhood was also there. They noticed me and when they came, I said « Mr. A sent the bomb to me using an unknown phone number. I thought it was Mark Dalton but I was wrong. » Dean said « The former head of The Iron Brotherhood, our clan? » « Yes, Dean. » I responded.

Janet said « Let’s go into teams. » Richard and I will go with Alex and try to heal her. Dean, Carly and Samuel will save George Burns before he runs out of time and gets shot. Janet takes me onto the grass and sees where I was hurt. Turns out, nothing was wrong and she let me go.

After that, I walk towards my favourite hacking shop called « The E-Chop Shop ». It has neon colours and bold lettering. I am friends with the manager of the shop meaning that I get 40% discount for all hacking items.  The manager looks like a mixture of Harry Potter and Raj of The Big Bang Theory.

Inside, it is like Argos where you wait for your stuff but e-chop has hacking equipment from key-loggers to disposable hacking phones. I ended up buying 2 key-loggers and a « disposable » phone. The phone was a 2015 Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge and a key-logger for people who are reading this, are little bugs that you put into a computer that record sensitive materials like passwords and emails.

I walked towards the local cafe to get a bacon roll and a glass of J20. The flavour of J20 was the classic Orange and Passion Fruit drink. It tasted like heaven and same goes for my bacon roll. I then meet up with a old friend, Mark Dalton.

Voir aussi :

septembre 27, 2020

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